Why waste time trawling the web and social media when you can be sent useful stuff straight to your inbox? We know, we know, your inbox is already full of hundreds of useless promotional emails which, incidentally, don't seem to have reduced in volume since the implementation of GDPR in 2018.
But don't be putt off, there are plenty of newsletters out there that are fully curated and full of amazing content which you don't have to go out of your way to search for. Plus, there's nothing to stop you from hitting the unsubscribe button if you find they aren't giving you what you signed up for.
Peppersmith co-founder Mike has put together a list of his favourite newsletters which are full of everything from entrepreneurial advise, to environmental news, to awesome video content.
1. Do Lectures - from the people who literally wrote the book on newsletters.
2. Hiut Denim - great jeans even better newsletters.
3. Recomendo - short and useful.
4. Farnam Street - a bit more academic with great resources on productivity and creativity.
5. For the interested - yes, yes I am.
6. Seth’s Blog - each day, one short, thoughtful idea.
Oh, and don't for get to sign up to our very own Peppersmith newsletter if you haven't already. That's just a given. Click here to sign up.