100% plant based xylitol

Yes, that's right, we only use xylitol to make our mints and gum taste nice and sweet. We know that it sounds a bit funny, but it's actually a clever little ingredient that helps keep your teeth healthy by clearing away bacteria and plaque in the mouth. Even better news, it comes from trees and plants. Hooray.

If you want to find out exactly how xylitol works, press the play button for a short video. Go on... you know you want to.

british mint

Real plants not chemical plants

When it comes to the other ingredients in our mints and gum, we like to steer clear of stuff like artificial colours, flavours or preservatives. That's why we use proper British mint and real Sicilian lemons to make them taste so great. Plus we use tomatoes to give our strawberry pastilles their nice pink colour. 

Find out more about our ingredients
Peppersmith sugar free

Sugar free and low calorie

Luckily, the xylitol that we use to replace sugar in our products has 40% fewer calories than sugar itself. This means that in a whole pack of Peppersmith mints there's only 36 calories. Plus, xylitol has a low GI of 7 so is suitable for diabetics too. 

Peppersmith no aspartame

No aspartame. Not now. Not ever.

Aspartame. That nasty artificial sweetener that's in lots of diet fizzy drinks. We don't need it to make our mints and gum taste good and neither do you. 

For healthy teeth

Backed up by science

Don’t just take our word for it, we’re endorsed by lots of dentists across the UK and the Oral Health Foundation. We are also approved by the European Food Safety Authority who have done lots of studies on xylitol and teeth.

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