Q&A: A catch up with the co-founder of Dr. Will’s

If you haven’t already heard of Dr Will’s, they make epic, naturally sweetened condiments with 50% less sugar than the leading brand of ketchup. The brand was founded by Dr Will Breakey and Josh Rose who met at a fitness class in Newcastle a couple of years ago. We’re big fans of all things natural and also foods that go with chips, so we had a catch up with the one and only, original Dr Will. Check out what he had to say below…

When you first had the idea of launching Dr Will’s, what did you see was missing from the world of condiments/sauces?

Innovation, variety, originality.

What does a typical day look like for you, if there is such a thing?

My time is split between Great Ormond Street Children’s Hospital where I do research into paediatric skull growth deformities and the Dr Will’s HQ in Vauxhall. So a typical day may be half a day at each or a full day at one or the other. The Dr Will’s days are spent trying to grow the brand, I look after product so I’m ensuring our new product pipeline is progressing and that our current products maintain their quality.

What is the main difference between Dr Will’s sauces and those from the other brands out there?

Dr Will’s are the only sauce made with no refined sugar. We sweeten our sauces only with dates so they remain all natural. This gives us an edge on flavour and health.

What are your aspirations for the brand? Where do you see it in 10 years’ time?

The condiment market is huge, we’d love to take even just a small chunk of it. In ten years’ time, I’d love to have seen our brand and team grow, ideally with an international footprint.

Where is the most surprising/interesting place you’ve seen Dr Will’s sauces being used or sold so far?

We made a map of our stockists recently and when we saw a pin in the English channel, we thought there must be a mistake but no, we’ve got a stockist in the Scilly Isles. So we’ve got stockists from the very south up to as far north as Inverness, which is great to see.

Like what you hear? You can buy Dr Wills sauces from their website, Planet Organic, Holland and Barrett, Ocado and many more independent stockists.

The post Q&A: A catch up with the co-founder of Dr. Will’s appeared first on Peppersmith.

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