The tastiest guilt-free brownies you’ll ever make

Chocolate and raspberry xylitol brownies

Guilt-free chocolate brownies? Miracles do happen. As part of our mission to reduce our sugar intake this National Smile Month, we challenged our friend and foodie blogger Hannah Eats to replace sugar with the same naturally derived ingredient we use in our mints and gum – xylitol. The result was utterly dreamy. Just try the recipe below to see for yourself. Now you really can have your cake and eat it.


  • 100g no refined sugar dark chocolate (85-100% is best)
  • 125g xylitol (total sweet)
  • 50g salted butter
  • 2 large free range eggs
  • 30g plain flour (or coconut flour)
  • 30g cocoa
  • 1/2 tsp baking powder
  • Small punnet of fresh raspberries


Step 1

Melt butter and chocolate together in a heatproof bowl over a pan of simmering water until smooth. Mix together the xylitol, flour, cocoa and baking powder in a separate bowl, then whisk the two eggs with a fork and add to the dry mixture. Add the melted chocolate to the dry ingredients and mix until it forms a smooth chocolaty paste.

Step 2

Pour into a lined baking tin being careful not to waste any of the yummy chocolaty mixture, and push the fresh raspberries evenly into the top of the brownie mix.

Step 3

Bake at 180 degrees for about 20 minutes until squidgy. When you remove them from the oven they should still have a slight wobble. Leave to cool before cutting into squares, then tuck in without the guilt.

The post The tastiest guilt-free brownies you’ll ever make appeared first on Peppersmith.

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